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Sunday, November 6, 2011

The most amazing word ever!

I have never been so engrossed by the awesomeness of a word. A simple four letter word. I mean, its so simple and common that we don't really think about it. Its just too brilliant and underestimated.


Its a palindrome. I love palindromes. poop poop. I wrote the first word straight, and the next one reverse! Could you have guessed that if I hadn't told you? I don't think so.

Do you remember, when your teacher at school asked you to give an example of a palindrome, what was your answer? I doubt that it would have been "poop". You would have thought long and hard to come up with something big and complicated, to impress everybody in the room, but poop, you didn't think about "poop".

Did you notice the use of the word? I used "poop" instead of "shit" or "crap", and it sounds so freaking brilliant, doesn't it? It just brings out the funny things in life. Here's an example. If you were to get into a verbal fight with a random guy on the street, and he's cursing away at every inch of you, what would you say?
What if you simply told him that you'll poop on him? He'd freak out. He'd be so offended and frustrated about all his extensive diatribe going to waste, that there's a high chance of him accepting defeat. And that, my friend, is freaking hilarious! You should try it sometime.

The whole world believes that food, clothing and shelter are the basic necessities of man. Why aren't toilets in the list? Even for a labour class worker, who's struggling to feed his family, a comfortable poop hole is very much essential. Imagine your state, if you hired a driver for your brand new Mercedes, and he didn't exactly have a happy-poopy morning. Or better yet, imagine that the men building you your dream house, didn't exactly use cement to lay bricks. Okay, that might be slightly out of practical sense, 'cause they obviously can not poop out half a house; but I'm just trying to give examples of how important poop is.

I want to walk into a jungle one day, and find a tribe who worship a lump of poop. Wouldn't that be insane? I would leave everything to join this tribe!
Well, we should have a 'world poop day' or an 'annual international poop festival'.

There are endless examples of the amazing qualities of this word. But I'm thinking the post already turned lame half a minute ago. So here's me, wishing you a happy-poopy day.

Poops away!